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Social Media Analytics Help Boost the Marketing Campaigns by Adding ROI and Attribution

Social Media Analytics Help Boost the Marketing Campaigns by Adding ROI and Attribution

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Social Media has remained the same old thing superficially. You’ll find it tough to imagine how the new age kids cope with messages coming from Tom or improve their MySpace pages with hearts created with HTML coding. Monitoring the ROI and market impact has always posed a challenge for social media platforms. These days, you have tools for analyzing social media marketing campaigns. The analytics platforms are capable of delivering a compelling attribution for marketing and ROI. You must use all opportunities and the right metrics for solving the attribution jinx.

The utility of Social Media Stats through the Different Stages

Initial Stage

Social media metrics follow a three-fold structure like the three funnel stages in general marketing campaigns.

The early stage of metrics include new identities, existing leads, reach, cost of acquiring leads, engagement, and the volume of followers. These factors depict stats that can help you in figuring out the indicators leading to conversion.


Mid-stage metrics should be the next point of consideration. Content shared over social platforms play a crucial role in driving the audience towards a target platform. Such metrics involve leads that qualify for sales, opportunities, leads that qualify for marketing, and the pipeline.


This is the stage that relates social media campaigns with the return on investment. The revenue that’s collected, value for the lifetime, and the opportunities created are the key metrics in this stage. However, it’s often tough to keep track of these metrics.  You may collect this data with the help of marketing automation and a few relevant platforms.

Social marketing falls under an easily distinguishable marketing category. Multi-touch attribution has a lot to contribute to social media. You won’t get a hint on how your social media efforts have an impact on the ROI when you follow the last-touch and conventional attribution. The mid-journey position of social is a boon in disguise. It gives out a clear indication of how your marketing campaigns can leave a positive impact on the creation of value-added content, the sentiment of your target audience, increasing brand awareness, and generation of leads. Customers find a direct means of communicating their needs with your brand through social.

Stay Realistic even when you notice the potential

The nature of social media technology is genuinely versatile and robust. Your investments are bound to generate positive outcomes when you combine the right approaches, platforms, and metrics.

When it comes to engaging your audience, social media plays another vital role. It’s a prized platform, but you have to deal with the saturation and reach out to the end user.

The Social tool needs to be handled properly

By conveying information to your colleagues, you can urge your workforce to make the most of the social weapon. You’ll notice more accuracy with the attribution and achieve more success once you start utilizing social more efficiently. With time the remaining marketing tactics will fall into place.

Reach out to Skyram and put your business ahead of all competition. We strive to serve our clients as the best digital marketing service in Kolkata, India and adapt the latest technologies and trends with time. Share your views with us and gain an edge over other major players. We want your brand to drop the anchor and achieve positive reviews and testimonials immediately.