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Paid Search Offers - How to create profitable and effective offers

Paid Search Offers – How to create profitable and effective offers

Reading Time: 4 minutes

When it comes to paid searches, the most important thing that matters is how good your offer is. If the offer is not good enough, it doesn’t really matter how good you are at paid search campaigns. Now, how can you make the paid search offers a successful one?

Because marketers do not control the products and services. Also, business owners and brand managers may not be familiar with what works for what channel. Thus, it can be tough. Yes, we know that you have got a lot to handle, like the campaign build-outs, conversions, landing pages, brand compliance, and more.

This is why this blog will help you in creating the best paid search offers. Here is what you can do.

Think about what you are going to sell with Paid Search

The first thing you need to ask yourself is how will the campaign make money? And then, which business products and initiatives will be supported with the paid search campaigns?

Do not try to automate the paid ad campaigns without knowing the business. This will make things harder because you will have no idea where to improve.

Once the inventory is sorted, think about how you can define the offers. An offer has three elements, the thing you sell, the price at which you sell and why should people buy it.

This will need thorough research on the market. However, when you clearly define these factors, you will create an attractive offer.

Check for the product-market fit

Product-market fit means; your offers should solve a problem or meet the demand of your audience. You have to think about this before you invest in advertising.

If your product is not needed in the market, no paid search campaigns will work. Companies that invest in ads before validating them will ultimately lose their money.

If you still want to run paid campaigns, the objective has to check the validity of an idea, not running profits.

Use lower offers

Your paid offers should be Middle of Funnel or Bottom of Funnel and not on the top of the funnel. Top of Funnel resources includes infographics and whitepapers. These are great for creating awareness and list building.

When it comes to paid search, the focus should not be on the Top of the Funnel. Why? Because when someone will see your ad, they are already looking for a business like yours.

Thus, they can straightaway book an appointment with you. Since the CPC’s for paid searches are expensive. It is not a good idea to spend on the clicks on the top of the funnel only to spread awareness and attract people that are not ready to start a business with you.

Yet, a lot of times companies prefer to spend on the top of the funnel. That’s preferring tradition over optimization instead of a proper funnel analysis.

Think about the back-end profits

You have to track the profitability to confirm that the campaigns are profitable. The problem with Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) is, it doesn’t include the cost of goods sold, distribution costs, shipping costs, merchant fees, indirect labor, and other expenses.

The problem with leads is, they are not customers. The calculation will get even more complicated with lead generation and subscriptions. Also, high conversions don’t necessarily mean profits.

A lot of businesses will not know the difference between a profit and a real-time conversion. Without any integrated CRM tool, most of the companies can’t know.

To deal with this, create targets and goals using the estimates for profitability. And it should be based on existing inputs. Check the assumptions when you have gathered the data.

Using the landing pages to promote your offers

The landing page is the first page that a visitor will see after clicking the ads. Thus, the major question is, whether the page is optimized to drive sales or not? Most of the companies will fail at this.

It is important to have a clear call-to-action with precise content to make a clear offer. If the visitor doesn’t find anything relevant after clicking the ads, then it will not help you with the conversions.

A lot of companies use the home page as their landing page. That is fine but does the home page help your audience to know about the offers. Remember that pages like this will never have high conversion rates. Thus, the campaigns keep running for months and years without any profit.

Another common mistake is to use the lead capture forms like landing pages. The lead generation pages don’t share the value of engaging with you. This happens when the brand has to drive leads. If you are more concerned to “incentivize” the forms for leads, you will end up getting low-quality leads.

If the landing page works as an intake form but doesn’t encourage the visitors to take action, then you will lose a lot of valuable prospects. You have to position your business as a strong solution to their problems, not just force them to be your customers.

Remember the three P’s of your offer

The three P’s are Product Price and Positioning. Even if your Google ad wins the click, it is not easy to win new business. Since your prospect is researching for solutions, they will also find your competitor that can solve their problem.

To make them understand that you are the best, focus on the three P’s.

For a product follow these guidelines:

  • If you are offering a course, share a free lesson.
  • When you are offering consultation service, share a free consultation.
  • If you are giving an in-person service, create a demo
  • If you are offering a physical product, show how it works in videos and images.

Be clear about your offers; make sure they experience what it gives them. A confused mind will always say no. So never keep your audience guessing.

For the price, follow these:

  • If you are offering discounts make sure they are worth it. For instance, saving $20 on a $45 item is a great deal, but saving $30 on a $1000 item is an insult. So offer discounts accordingly.
  • Versioning your products will help you provide multiple pricing options without discounts.
  • Make sure to offers warranties and guarantees to justify the investment.

Finally, for positioning, you have to remember that positioning involves how your audience sees you compared to your competitors. Use Auction Insights Data to know which businesses are doing better than you in the auctions where the ad is showing.

Check the landing page optimization and the offers they are using. This offers a lot of valuable insights. Review your competition and adjust the messages accordingly to get into the attention of your audience. This is how you create a profitable and effective paid search offer.