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How to Grow Your Dental Business through Digital Marketing?

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Google integrates more than 3.5 billion searches per day.

Thus, it is quite obvious that among millions of other things, searching for dentists is also in this number.

Now, with just traditional, Yellowbook & billboards don not make the cut right now. It is time that dental business should go digital.

Now, before going into the details here are a few questions you need to be asking yourself.

How does your dental business attracts it’s patients currently?

Do you have a budget segregated for marketing? Is digital marketing a part of your strategy? If not, it is time to re-evaluate your strategy!

The goal of digital marketing for dental business is simple: to get new patients & generate revenues.

However, only a larger audience won’t be enough until you deliver the right message to your potential patients.

Digital marketing is time-saving

Not only for dental marketing, has any kind of online marketing planned much faster than traditional marketing. With offline marketing, it may not be able to have an immediate effect on people. Your investment goes primarily toward increasing brand awareness rather than earning new patients.

With a proper website, Dental SEO, Online Marketing for dentists mainly focuses on generating brand awareness!

For example, you may bid on a “dentist in London”. Not only are you targeting people highly likely to become new patients, but you only pay when someone clicks your advertisement.

Digital marketing helps to capture leads

There is another section of people in the market- people who are interested but haven’t looked for dentists yet.

You can use website content to target your potential customers. People who are searching online for general information about dentistry can easily get benefitted through your website.

There are people who wear dentures but might like to receive permanent implants. But they aren’t ready to schedule appointments yet.

Now, with a proper dental marketing website page, you can provide information & you can receive traffic from their searches.

Online marketing is less expensive & more preferable

According to HubSpot, One-third (32%) of marketers believe outbound marketing tactics are overrated.

Inbound marketing offers to engage potential patients with the content produced by your practice, leading them back to your business.

Also, outbound marketing costs 49% more than digital marketing

And that makes sense too. Just imagine, you will need to design, print, post a simple pamphlet ad whereas, it can be easily done with Email Marketing with much less cost!

Now that we have a clear understanding of the benefits of digital marketing for dentists, let’s discuss a few ways you can improve your online marketing strategy for dental business.

Website & Landing Pages

For starters create an impressive website. User engagement elements, comprehensive information & user-friendly website will give you a head-start.

Then focus on your landing page. One of the mistakes that can be confusing is the landing page is not your homepage. Do not make the mistake of linking a digital marketing campaign to your website homepage!

Landing pages are web pages that a person is taken after clicking on ads. Create a relevant landing page to get the desired results!

Dental SEO

Dentistry is competitive. To stay relevant in the game you need a strong SEO or Search Engine Optimization.

Dental SEO will build up your content strategy for the website so that you can have increased traffic & visibility. Maintaining an engaging website is important to stand out on the search engine results.

You need people to know that you have the best dental service in the area & a good SEO can do that.

Paid digital advertising

These can be paid search, paid social or display advertisements.

PPC or “Pay-per-click” ads allow you to use advertising platforms to get your content in front of potential patients. They are a great way to spread awareness about your practice.

So, if you want your campaign to be specific, like for teeth whitening, dental implants, PPC can be extremely helpful!

You have often seen Google Ads or Bing Ads.

They pop in almost every service, at the top section. For instance, if you search for “help with tooth pain” in Google this would be your result

google ads for dentists

This leads to high conversion rates and value.

Other than this, display ads that appear like a banner on the sides of websites, or videos can be used to boost your website. And you are quite aware of Paid Social Media Ads, where you run your digital campaign on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter to promote your dental services.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is a target-oriented digital marketing technique.

Email marketing is the cheapest form of communication for digital marketing for dentists. All you usually have to pay for is some sort of email marketing service like MailChimp, Hubspot or Autopilot HQ.

You can customize your system in a way that reminds patients about their upcoming annual checkups. You can also add options for booking an appointment right there!

Marketing analytics

One of the greatest perks of online marketing is tracking.

You should track how ads are performing and where their traffic is coming from. This is why marketing analytics are very important for dental business. Using these data you can keep a record of Demographics, Your Target Audience, Click-Through Rates, Cost Per Conversion and many more!

Although Digital Marketing is the new game-changer, it can be a little overwhelming at first. It is best to have a proper team dedicated to your marketing section so that you can focus on your practice.

Need some professional help?

Dental business can be expanded by Digital Marketing Strategies, Content Management, Web Development, Social Media Marketing. Interested to grow your business?? Connect with us here!

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