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Benefits of Digital Marketing Post Lockdown

Can Business Communities of Small Cities in India Leverage the Benefits of Digital Marketing Post Lockdown?

Reading Time: 7 minutes

A possible causal effect of remote working and digital marketing – is it time to bid adieu to the metro cities?

What we mean by this is, the COVID-induced remote work culture has pushed a lot of people to abandon the metro cities.

And how did that happen?

So, there are 29 megacities with a population of 10 million or more.

The number was supposed to be 50 by 2035. Also, by 2050, it was expected that 7 out of 10 people in the world will live in cities.

With the growing modern industry, big cities became the center of socio-economic development.

Life in cities revolves around different workplaces, offices, and factories.

The growth of the services sector, especially IT and finance, led to the increase in dense urban areas.

Silicon Valley in India, Bangalore & Cyberadabad in Andhra Pradesh are some of the new additions.

Source- Livemint
Source- Livemint


Life in a big metro city used to be a dream for many.

However, after the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a reverse migration to the small towns and villages.

People are moving back to places from where they came from.

The Work from Home Phenomenon

The new “working from home” economy will continue long after the coronavirus pandemic is over.

In fact, in the developed nations, the WFH system was already on the rise.

In June 2020, 42% of the US labor force was already working from home full time.

The story is also not very much different in other developed nations.

Indeed the factor of WFH has become one of the most important and determining factors for choosing a company, especially for a millennial.

The number of internet users has increased drastically.

Source - Statista
Source – Statista


A lot of companies have announced ambitious plans to continue WFH even after the COVID-19 unlock.

For instance, TCS is preparing to allow 75% of its workforce to work from home by 2025.

Facebook has already extended the work from home policy for 2021.

Most of the organizations in metro cities have started remote hiring and this is going to continue post lockdown as well.

Thus, a lot of people who came to the metro cities for better jobs and lifestyles, are shifting back to their home town to reduce the rental expenditure and cost of living in a metro city, especially when they can earn the same amount by working remotely from their hometowns.

With the growing number of people in the small cities returning back, the local businesses are also hiring new recruits, especially to handle their business online.

Now, the question is, how local businesses in small cities can use online marketing or digital marketing post lockdown?

Which Digital Marketing Elements Will Help Local Businesses in Small Cities to Run Their Business?

Here is how local businesses in small cities can use digital marketing to attract customers even during the post lockdown era.

1. Locally Optimized Website 

This is the first thing that any small business has to make sure of. If you already don’t have one, then you need a locally optimized website right now.

Source - InStudioz
Source – InStudioz


The important thing is to optimize it for the local users and search engines. Your potential clients should be able to find you when they do a local search.

After that, add vital tools to the website like the e-commerce functionality, which includes BOPUS (buy online, pickup in-store & chat).

2. Inbound Blogging

With blogging, you can rest assured that your business will continue to have traffic, irrespective of the circumstances in the market.

Source- Finances Online
Source- Finance Online


Yes, there are certain tricks and tips to blogging.

Write about what you know and what your customers want to read about.

The ideal scenario is to write one blog about every type of service while mentioning the city, region, or neighborhood.

This will increase the local SEO value of your blog.

Create high-quality blogs which will offer useful information or entertaining stories related to your business and local community.

3. Social Media Campaigns

This is something that any business company can use regardless of its region or town.

Social media is such a form of digital marketing that its algorithms can offer your business a higher exposure.

Source - Hootsuite
Source – Hootsuite


Share interesting news and updates on how your local business is planning to re-open soon with the new-normal policies and customer safety as a priority.

Remember that engagement is the name of the game now. Thus, create social media content that will increase engagement.

Video content is popular these days. Even if it comes in the form of raw or unpolished, people still love to engage with video content than any other form.

4. Increase Email Outreach 

Email your customers because it is important to rebuild your customer base especially after an interruption like the recent lockdown.

Let the customers know that your doors are open. Your team is back in business after a brief pause.

Source - Finance Online
Source – Finance Online


Also, make sure to inform them regarding all the protocols that are designed for the safety of both you and them.

5. Homepage COVID Policy Banner

On the homepage of your website, you can add a banner that announces your company is adapting to the new COVID safety requirements.

Mention that every service is done with the precautions in mind.

This banner lets your online visitors know that your company is awake and is ready to serve you, unlike other brands that might have gone dark.

Get the banner link to a dedicated COVID FAQ or protocols page on the website detailing all the updated procedures since it relates to the new normal.

6. Online Ordering

Make sure that it is possible for customers to order online from your website.

Whether you are offering in-home services or deliver goods, customers might not come to your shop but they will still visit your online store or website.

Source - Unctad
Source – Unctad


Thus, you have to shift your merchandise. Create an interactive takeout menu, or add a service scheduling tool to the website and feature it front-and-center.

7. Google My Business

Put your business on Google Map. You need to ensure that your business is marked in Google using Google My Business.

Optimize your business with free location and business listing. Fill out every data form and optimize your entry so that it is ready to convert.

List the current hours so that Google recommends your business to your audience during your open times.

To make it easier for the customers to schedule appointments or services, you can integrate a booking widget.

Source - Bright Local
Source – Bright Local


If you are a restaurant serving food, connect Google to the online menu and delivery services. Also, load up your best images.

Google will help local customers to find your business when they search for the services in the search engine. The more integrated your services are in GMB, the better it is.

Along with Google My Business, there are other businesses listing sites that need to be updated with the new COVID policies.

The core listings include Bing, Facebook, Yahoo, Apple Maps, Yelp, and other industry-specific sites.

What Can You do as a Service Area Business (SAB) to Offer Safe On-Site Services in Small Cities? 

Service area businesses that offer services to clients in homes and on-site are facing a unique challenge for the new-normal safety.

In a lot of cases, the business model changes very little.

For instance, you are a tech service-providing company. The technicians are wearing masks and gloves while working on site.

However, the clients must be informed and assured that the services will be safe. So how can you do that?

1. Create & Publish No-Contact Service Policies

Create a concrete service safety plan. Define when your team members will have to wear masks and gloves.

Also mention when the gloves and masks need to be changed. Define how PPE shall be provided and the protocols to keep customers and employees safe for the on-site services.

Once the policy is complete, publish it and link it with the homepage COVID banner. Thus, your customers will be able to see how you are protecting them.

2. Schedule Online

Create online service scheduling. You can add a scheduling tool to the website and hook it up with your company calendar.

This will help your clients to schedule their own services without any in-person talk.

Also, you can advise a live-chat feature so that the clients will be able to talk to someone and create a schedule.

3. Offer Remote Consultations

Yes, it is true that on-site consultations happen in person but they don’t have to be like that always.

You can arrange for a video conference for face-to-face interactions.

Source - Finance Online
Source – Finance Online


Also, you can visually inspect a situation before arriving in person.

This will limit the in-person contact between the clients and employees.

4. Accept Digital Signatures & Payments

Enable your customers to sign paperwork and payments through digital means. This will increase remove operations of your business and there will be no contact through pens and clipboards.

Wrapping Up

There is no denying the fact that a lot of businesses (theatres, restaurants, hotels, holiday homes, shops, salons, etc.) are not able to operate fully, especially local businesses in small cities.

There is a strong urge to keep shops shut down to save costs, especially for those in small cities with local businesses.

A lot of businesses might find it hard to bounce back in the post COVID era. However, it is important to remember, even though a direct promotion is tough at this point, this is now the time to use digital marketing to promote your brand and keep customer loyalty.

It will also help you ensure all sorts of marketing and advertising campaign gets the necessary traction when the restrictions are lifted.

Yes, indeed the lockdown has been potentially damaging to a lot of businesses, it can conversely help the digital marketing efforts because there is a more captive audience to whom you can promote the ideas.