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Top 7 Best B2B Lead Generation Strategies In 2020

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When it comes to lead generation strategies, one of the industry we can really learn is from the business to business market.

And now that the situation today is a little uncertain in terms of marketing and industry, we thought it would be a perfect idea to provide you with some B2B lead strategies that can help you with your business.

Content is very important

Content on the website and landing page is essential when it comes to guiding the customers to a lead.

When it comes to lead generation marketing in the B2B market, your audience is already targeted.

So the focus should be on the landing page, and the suitable content to guide the customers to your landing page.

You can create content to provide visitors with useful, free information. You can include CTAs anywhere in your content — inline, bottom-of-post, in the hero, or even on the side panel. 

Automate your lead gen and email marketing campaigns

Marketing automation is the biggest trend in the business.

And one of the key areas to focus your content should be cold mails. One of the best ways to make sure you have fresh leads to work with is to automate your cold emails. It gets even better once you automate 20% of conversations that bring you 80% of the revenue.

Maintain an in-depth guide through blog posts

Another clever way to generate a lead is to turn your blog posts into guides.

By now you must know your audience and the topics they would be interested in. You can use this data to create even better content and target the same audiences on social media. You can even add CTA buttons to your blog to make it more multi-dimensional.

Update your search marketing strategies

SEO has become tricky in 2020 than it was 5 years ago.

To make it more useful, pack your content with enough data and shareable ideas. Things are very different in 2020 and you really have to earn your place in the SERPs these days.

With more data and other shareable contents, it makes it easier for Google to verify the accuracy and reliability of your content.

Another way is to keep updating your older content.

When contents get old, broken links, inaccurate/irrelevant information, ranking drops, etc happens a lot.

Another way to increase the search results in Google is by personalizing your landing pages to match the keywords they used to find your business.

What this does is match the content on your landing pages to the copy of your ads to ensure visitors find what they’re looking for when they land on your site.

Have a specific remarketing plan ready

PPC is great when you are trying to bring high-quality traffic to your website, however, no matter how good your campaigns are retargeting are, most of them do not convert the right way.

This is why having a proper remarketing campaign is essential because they allow you to keep visitors engaged with your brand until they’re ready to take action.

Social media and promotion

By 2017, 83% of B2B marketers were using social media as a channel, making it the most popular strategy.

LinkedIn advertising can you a direct line to business decision-makers like no other network, allowing you to reach out to the individuals who make the key purchase choices. According to reports, the average 6.5% conversion rate B2B marketers typically get from LinkedIn Advertising.

Social media platforms are a much easier guide to take actions for the customers.

You can also start by building your own community online. If you research properly, some of the most successful B2B marketing strategies have emerged from creating groups on networks like LinkedIn and Facebook, which offer specific features for this.

Product trails and referral marketing

A lot of companies break the barrier by offering trials of your product or service. 

Proving a free version of your service may entice your customers to convert and buy from your brand.

Referral marketing or word-of-mouth is useful for lead generation in a different way. This gets your brand to be more visible to people generating more chances of lead generation.

For quality lead generation, it is important to be consistent in your marketing efforts. And also it is better to hire an agent who knows their ways to get into the customer’s mind to get the most qualified leads.

Wanting to have a proper lead generation strategy? Contact us at Skyram Technologies and let us help you to get the quality leads for your business.

And for more such blogs read here! Till then, stay safe stay indoors.