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Retargeting 101 - Everything You Need to Know to Get Higher ROI

Retargeting 101 – Everything You Need to Know to Get Higher ROI

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Did you know that 96% of the visitors that come to your website are not ready to buy? Therefore, you can only persuade 4% of the traffic to buy what you are offering when they come to your website for the first time.

This is a huge number of visitors that you are missing out on! Fortunately, the best digital marketing agency in Chennai says, there is something you can do about it. It is called retargeting campaigns. Retargeting helps you to keep the brand in front of your target audience.

The retargeting campaigns work because they help you to show the visitors ads who have shown interest in your services or products.

According to a digital marketing firm in Pune, using search engines and social media channels, you will be able to remind them that they wanted a solution for their problem and you have that.

When used in the right way, retargeting campaigns can get you excellent results. Also, it gives your existing customers to get new and exciting offers.

Source - MailChimp
Source – MailChimp

Is there a difference between retargeting and remarketing? 

Being a pioneering digital marketing agency in Chennai, we can say that there is not much difference between the intention of both. In both cases, you reach out to your audience for the second time. Thus, the concept is the same.

However, the difference is, in retargeting, is mostly used to describe the online display ads shown to visitors who came to the website but went away without taking any action.

Retargeting ads are served through third-party networks like Google Display Network and Facebook. Thus, you have the chance to reach out to your potential customers on multiple websites.

On the other hand, remarketing refers to reaching out to lost visitors through email. Thus, you shall need the email address of the visitors.

Source - IAB
Source – IAB

Gathering data for retargeting 

These are the following ways you can collect data for retargeting campaigns.

 1. Using Pixel 

According to the best digital marketing company in Pune, Pixel-based retargeting is the most common form of audience collection. Pixel is JavaScript code. Once you attach the pixel, every time a visitor comes to your website, the pixel drops an anonymous browser cookie in the visitor’s browser.

Now, when the visitor leaves the page and continues to browse other websites, the pixel helps you know your Google AdWords or Facebook that these visitors must see your ads again.

 2. Using retargeting lists 

When you have a list of existing customers or visitors, you can use the email addresses to show them specific ads. For instance, if you want your blog subscribers to download a whitepaper, or you want the free-trail users to upgrade into a paid plan. You can do all of this through appropriate retargeting campaigns from an expert digital marketing agency in Bangalore.

Source - Signifi Media
Source – Signifi Media

Retargeting campaign goals 

There are two basic retargeting goals.

  1. a) Awareness – The awareness campaigns are used for informing the visitors about the product features and all other announcements. It is not a high targeted goal because it is directed to the visitors who didn’t interact a lot with your business.
  2. b) Conversion – The conversion campaign is used for those visitors who are more familiar with your brand and the products or services. However, since they haven’t committed to an offer, you want them to click on the ads, direct them to the landing page of your website and convince them to convert.

Retargeting by behaviour 

Mainly, there are two types of behaviors the visitors can showcase when they come to your website.

  1. a) Not interested – These visitors spend a few seconds on the website and don’t check any other pages on the website.
  2. b) Interested – These visitors browse through the website content and might even also click through other pages like the pricing page, resource page, or the about us section.

As mentioned by a digital marketing agency in Pune, it is not a good idea to serve retargeting ads to ‘not interested visitors. The better option is to create segments for the “interested” audience. Customize the retargeting ads for the people depending on the behavior that they show on your website.

Source - MotoCMS
Source – MotoCMS

Retargeting by time

This includes three things. They are:

  1. The time duration between when the visitor visits a website and when they see the first ad.
  2. The frequency with which the visitor sees the ad.
  3. The time duration when the visitor visits the website for the first time and when they stop seeing the retargeting ads.

For both Facebook and Google AdWords, the default time duration of a visitor getting added to retargeting list is by default 30 days. Remember that the visitor resets the 30-day cycle when they revisit the website in the first 30 days.

It is better not to show the ads too soon because it will create a negative perception of your brand. Also, showing the same ad more than once on a single website is not a good idea.

Retargeting by existing customers

As the best digital marketing agency in Kolkata, we can say that the best time to target existing customers with a retargeting campaign is after releasing a new feature or a pricing plan update. These campaigns can get you great results especially when the customers are not that active on your platform.

Source - EmailAudience
Source – EmailAudience

How to optimize retargeting ads? 

Retargeting ads include display ads that make use of images, rich media, videos, and more to engage the audience. An optimized retargeting ad will have the following elements.

  1. An engaging headline that will be relevant to the user’s experience on your website.
  2. A relevant and visually appealing media which you can do by adding animation or static image on the display ad.
  3. A click-worthy CTA button that is designed in a contrasting way to increase actionable and personalized look & feel.
  4. Actionable copy – There should not be a lot of copy on the display ad

As stated by the best digital marketing company in Mumbai, make sure the retargeted ads are connected to post-click landing pages instead of the homepage. The reason is, post-click landing pages offer better message match and the optimal 1:1 conversion ratio that convinces your visitors to convert.

Source - Costello
Source – Costello

Some Final Words

Retargeting offers incredible chances to target the customers you want by giving them another chance to see your brand. Thus, don’t waste it by sending them to a page that will not get you immediate conversions for an order. For instance, a cluttered homepage.

Create customized retargeting ads that will help you connect with them and send them to a dedicated landing page. This is the best way you can make the most of your campaigns. Follow this, and you will not have to worry anymore about the conversions.

Get in touch with an expert digital marketing agency in Chennai for the best results.