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Performance Marketing 101: How to do it Right in 2022

Performance Marketing 101: How to do it Right in 2022

Reading Time: 7 minutes

Did you know that only 50% of marketers are able to achieve their marketing goals? Which means the other half is not reaching their goals. Are you one of them?

In the last few years, performance marketing has gained a lot of traction. The main reason for this is because performance-based marketing offers a result-oriented and more cost-effective way to run your business.

Thus, your business needs the help of a digital marketing company in Pune to make the most of your campaigns.

Source – Lauro Media

Now, before we get into the details, let us share in brief, what performance marketing is all about.

 What is performance marketing?

In simple terms, performance marketing is a digital advertising program that is used to optimize the marketing campaigns according to the outcome you want. This includes the clicks, traffic, leads, impressions, and more.

Now, here is how performance marketing works. If the campaign goal is to get more sales, then you will only have to pay for the number of sales you get. On the other hand, if the goal is to get more subscribers, then you have to increase the number of sign-ups.

 What are the benefits of performance marketing?

According to the best Digital marketing company in Chennai, performance marketing can help a business to make the best of its investment. Here are the following benefits:

  • Performance is measurable
  • It is very much budget-friendly
  • It helps in increasing the brand reach
  • You can do real-time ad changes
  • It gets you better and faster results

The top 5 performance marketing channels

1. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is about earning commission every time when someone buys a brand’s products or services that you promote. For a lot of marketers, affiliate marketing is the way to have a source of passive income.

Source – Finances Online

Affiliates will also get a personal link which they and also their product owners can use for tracking sales. One of the most popular examples of an affiliate program is Amazon Associates.

 2. Native Advertising

Did you know that there are 763 million ad blockers all over the world? This means you shall need more effective ways for promoting the products and services to your target audience.

Being the premium digital marketing agency in Delhi, we can say that native ads can be in the following ways:

  • In the feeds of social media platforms or websites
  • Promoted listing
  • Paid content – articles or videos
  • Recommendation widgets

Native advertising is such a form of performance marketing that will offer you higher exposure, leads, and traffic.

Source – e-marketer

Native advertising helps in the following ways:

  • It helps you in positioning your brand as an expert
  • Market your brand with the right platform
  • Build credibility for your brand
  • Generate more sales

 3. Sponsored Content

Sponsored content works by paying another brand, publication, or influencer for sharing or promote content for the brand.

You can use the help of a digital marketing company in Chennai to get the best of your sponsored content.

This is a form of native advertising that includes content marketing – mostly images, videos, and articles.

You will find the following statements in sponsored content:

  • Sponsored by
  • Powered by
  • Partnered with
  • Promoted
  • Presented by
Source – 99 Firms

When you promote a brand on the multiple platforms used by other brands and influencers who share a similar audience, it increases your brand authority and gives you revenue. This works for most businesses. Even regional brands use sponsored ads to get more brand awareness, higher conversion, and more traffic.

Here is a comprehensive list of digital marketing agencies that can help you with sponsored ads and content in the best way possible.

4. Social Media Marketing

This is a very commonly used performance marketing process. Almost every customer of any business is on social media. With almost 4 billion mobile users, social media is the go-to place for all businesses.

A digital marketing company in Pune will help you reap the highest results from your social media marketing campaigns.

The social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more such channels are performance marketing channels. Here you can run paid ads and promote valuable content.

Here is how you can run social media ads effectively:

  • Know the terms and conditions of the platform
  • Determine the marketing goals
  • Set your marketing budget wisely
  • Create nice content and copy
  • Track the metrics and campaign performance
Source – Sprout Social

 5. Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Search engine marketing is a performance marketing tactic where you have to use paid advertisements for your services and products on the SERPS (search engine results page).

As the best digital marketing company in Pune, we can say that SEM is applicable for both B2B and B2C companies. It is also known as PPC (pay-per-click) advertising and you can run it on different platforms like WordStream and Google Ads.

Source – WordStream

To make sure the best use of SEM campaigns, you will have to do the following;

  • Allocate a campaign budget
  • Make sure that the landing page is SEO-friendly
  • Do thorough research on keywords for increasing the visibility and rankings
  • The website design has to be mobile-optimized
  • Track campaign metrics
  • You have to retarget the non-converting customers

 Some Expert Tips for a Successful Performance Marketing Campaign

According to the best digital marketing company in Delhi, remember that a successful performance marketing campaign is not an easy job. It depends on a lot of factors. Here are some of the things that you have to take care of if you want to create a successful performance marketing campaign.

1. Tracking and Also Optimizing the KPIs

For an effective performance marketing campaign, you have to track the following KPIs:

  • Cost Per Click
  • Return on Ad Spend
  • Customer Acquisition Cost
  • Cost Per Acquisition
  • Conversion Rate
  • Impressions
  • The Quality & Relevance Score

There will be times when tracking all the KPI’s might become overwhelming, therefore, you have to determine only those KPIs that are important and optimize them.

 2. Using Visual Elements

Marketers have to make use of visual elements like logos, images, fonts, color schemes, and videos in the ad campaigns. Humans are visual creatures. When you make use of visuals, it makes your brand unique and also identifiable. Thus, relevant images and visual creatives in the marketing campaigns will help in attracting more and more people to the ad campaigns. Use the visuals to your advantage.

To make the highest quality visual designs, you can take the help of a digital marketing agency in Chennai.

Source – Content Marketing Institute

 3. Get to know your customers

If you target everybody, you shall reach nowhere. Instead, the best option is to create a customer persona to avail a clear and better idea of who your audience is.

When you know the customer persona, it makes things easier. It gives you the information that you need to address the pain points, problems, and requirements.

 4. Creating Relevant Content

Once you identify the audience, your job is to create content that is relevant to your audience. Your content has to match the needs of your customers. Thus, avoid the fluff and any generic approach.

Make sure to create content that matches the multiple stages of your marketing funnel. If you can’t do that, then it will have a major impact on the conversion rates throughout the performance-based campaign.

For instance, it is not a good idea to target an ad for a sales demo for an awareness campaign. Thus, make sure the content is relevant.

This is again you need to take the help of a digital marketing company in Chennai to get the best quality content.

 5. Spend Wisely

Yes, it is true that investing in performance marketing is very much profitable, but you have to do it wisely. Take a note of the campaign platforms, marketing goals, available funds, and time.

Evaluate which platform needs more money? Which one offers the highest returns for your business? When you have all the answers to these questions, plan the performance marketing budget and modify it according to the results.

According to Jeff Vocell, a HubSpot product marketer, “Employing short-sighted tactics that generate some attention and may result in a momentary spike ultimately won’t set you, or your customers, up for success in the long-term.

Source – WordStream

Wrapping Up

Now that we are at the end of the blog, you know that performance marketing is the best way to make the most of your advertising budget.

According to the best digital marketing agency in Pune, with the right performance marketing channel, like sponsored content, social media marketing, affiliate programs, PPC, and SEO, you can promote your business efficiently.

Note that:

  • Social media marketing can be used for all sorts of businesses – starting from small business owners to e-commerce stores, B2Bs and B2Cs
  • Affiliate marketing is good for online shop owners, bloggers, and digital course creators
  • Sponsored content is useful for most businesses
  • SEM is great for B2B & B2C

Are you prepared to increase your visibility, get more traffic, increase marketing returns and boost e-commerce sales?

Get in touch with Skyram Technologies today – the best digital marketing agency in Kolkata.