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Memes & Digital Marketing

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Memes have become an undeniable part of the internet culture. Whether you are a social media addict or not, you can’t just ignore the craze of memes.

Every day you see at least a dozen memes on various topics throughout your news feed & with the increase in the number of brands joining the bandwagon, it seems like memes are here to stay!

Meme marketing is a legit promotional strategy used by brands nowadays. It is a fun, spontaneous way to engage with the audience.

What Is Meme Marketing?

Meme marketing is a promotional strategy where brands use memes to spread their brand awareness or product launch.


Brands use various types of memes, be it for a social cause or to announce their new product launch.

The thing with memes is that they never get boring!

The Journey From Humor To Marketing

Memes originated purely as a source of entertainment. They were used to poke fun at a situation or a person or a product.

But with time, brands started to use memes.

Some businesses have picked up on the fact that everyone loves a good laugh. When it comes to social media marketing, being too serious might backfire.

Memes work for brands because they’re designed specifically for social platforms and provide value through entertainment.  Take a look at this example:

Zomato Meme

Memes create a connection with the audience through humor. Just think about it, after a long day at work & commute what would you prefer? Sharing a meme about the latest Disney movie or a 2 hour long promotional video?

Exactly, nobody has that time!

Not even die-hard Disney fans.

Benefits Of Meme Marketing

Memes are visual

Memes have a visual impact on the audience. Rather than dwelling into a 700-word long brand’s latest product description, few simple memes can be more appealing to the audience.

Virat kohli meme

Memes are entertaining & informative

Memes can be hilarious as well as give proper information regarding a particular matter. It allows businesses to be more approachable & friendly.

Free Leads

For instance, Zomato shares a lot of memes on their social media page which makes them so popular among the new generation.

Creating & Sharing memes are much easier

There are numerous meme generators online. Most of them are free and user-friendly.

To create a particular meme all you have to do is think about witty content, choose your visual & template and there you have your meme!

It’s quick, it can be super-relatable & saves you a lot of money as well as time.

Memes can get viral pretty easily as well. And once you have a reputation of being funny with your memes, your social media followers will get a significant boost.

Few Tips On Meme Marketing

  • Be relatable- All of us are self-critical at one point in time. If you are really thinking of indulging in some meme marketing, don’t be scared to get vulnerable. The audience can relate more to brands who have the guts, to be honest.
  • Select a proper language– Understand the lingo of your audience. If you don’t get the lingo right, your meme can immediately fall flat!
  • Understand the timing- Some memes are golden, have been around for years. If you are using existing memes, make sure it is in trend. While creating your own, be aware of the social climate.
  • Be clever while product placement- In the end, obviously people are going to understand your motive behind the post, that’s completely fine. But what is not cool is when the product promotion is too obvious without giving some genuine laugh to your audience.

Two and a half men meme

The bottom line is memes are not just for college kids. They require a certain amount of creativity to induce some genuine laughter!

Also, please keep in mind, that memes are not blatant trolling. If you are going to poke fun, make sure that it is not humiliating.

In the end, you cannot please everyone, meme culture has a certain fan base, so target your audience accordingly.

What are your thoughts on meme marketing?

Do you have any favorite brands that you follow just for memes? Let us know here!

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