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Is it wise to invest in Social Media right now in this Market Scenario?

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As 2020 is rolling around, the outbreak of coronavirus has made it difficult to have a smooth start. Each new country the virus spread to fuelled panic and demand for information regarding the disease. The WHO Director-General even stated: “We’re not just fighting an epidemic; we’re fighting an infodemic.” 

With each minute as the situation is getting more and more serious, it is evident that the consequences will be high even after the situation gets normal.

Pandemics in the age of social media

Well, this isn’t the first pandemic to hit earth in the age of social media. The H1N1 (swine flu) pandemic, the Ebola epidemic, and the Zika outbreak all had prominent, and widely documented, influence on social media conversations.

Social media is extensively used by the World Health Organization (WHO) to inform the public about any outbreaks, the precautionary measures, and what to do in emergencies.

But as for every good thing, there is a darker side to it. And for social media, it the ‘misinformation’ that circulates a lot on social media.

Even with coronavirus, there are tonnes of conspiracy theories and other rumors that are going on on social media.

Some claim that the virus is a biological weapon, created by either the US (to kill Chinese people) or China (to kill Americans). 

How to control the rumors in social media?

To filter out the fake news, strong algorithms are essential.

The creators of WeChat — China’s number one social media platform — are using a popular fact-checking platform to dispel harmful misconceptions. 

Even tech giants like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are using strong filtering to ensure that only correct news is circulated.

For coronavirus information, for example, only authentic news from reputed sources is given priority while amateur claims are being scrutinized and fact-checked.

How to manage your brand’s social media during coronavirus pandemic?

Social media statistics from 2019 show that there are 3.5 billion social media users worldwide, and this number is only growing.

And with reportedly over 6.7 million people mention the same topic in a single day, social media has become a go-to place for anyone interested in the trending topics.

Here are a few ways to use your social media marketing for your brand:

Review your planned and scheduled content

You must have had a plan of social media content or posts that your brand will follow for this quarter.

Review that immediately and update it in regards to the current situation.

Ask questions like, is it the right time to be promoting your products? Does the meme marketing that you thought would go with the situation?

All the major brands like Coca Cola, Amul, Pepsi, Durex are changing there social media marketing, so you must too!

Don’t try to make a profit from the current situation

This pandemic isn’t a marketing opportunity, not a time to capitalize on.

There are brands on social media who are trying to sell products twice as priced on and it is just sad!

You don’t want to be the brand held up as an example of crassness. You don’t want to endanger the trust you have been building with your audience and customers.

Keep the communication intact

Your communication is the key to your brand now.

Just like me or you, your audiences must be spending more time scrolling through their newsfeed, worrying about the situation or laughing in despair at hand sanitizer jokes.

People are looking for content, information, ways to stay safe and ways to spend their time.

If you have credible, useful information you should be sharing it on social media. However, make sure to check the source and double-check the facts.

Stress on customer support

Look, as the panic is growing, people are going to ask a lot of questions.

They would want to know what events are canceled, what products are safe, or the fact that if they are safe to buy your products.

Either you can go ahead and answer all the obvious questions that may arise or you can talk to them directly.

Either way, make sure to be transparent and monitor your social media channels, direct messages, emails to answer any questions that come through. This will show the efficiency and loyalty that you have towards your customers.

Promote your products tastefully

Promoting your business isn’t a sin.

But do it tastefully. Talk about your brand’s mission, people’s safety, including empathy, all within the limits of moderation and consideration.

Go for Live videos

If you want to provide information to your audience, go for Facebook or Instagram live.

The Human connection will build a bond during this social isolation.

You can host an “Ask Me Anything” related to your industry or have another team member jump on Instagram Live with you to discuss your latest blog post and provide additional insights.

What are some of the shifts that are expected in marketing strategy?

  • Although many things are still unknown, here are a few approaches that are already taking place:
  • Budget allocation for short time sales or business outcomes, while keeping brand-building campaigns live 
  • The shift in budgets towards more at-home and delivery-based options (i.e., at-home fitness solutions/equipment/apps, grocery delivery, restaurant delivery, etc.)
  • Shifting towards online sales and conversions
  • Geological tracking to understand varying levels of impact of a product.

And additionally, DO NOT forget to wash your hands at regular intervals. Practice good hygiene and social isolation to care for society!

How are you looking to combat the changing marketing scenario? Tell us at Skyram Technologies.

Also, for more such blogs read here.